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谭智勇,男,博士,教授,博士/硕士研究生导师。1974年11月出生,南京老员工理学学士,中科院原上海生理所神经生理学博士(师从吉永华教授),耶鲁大学博士后(合作导师Robert LaMotte教授),印地安纳大学斯达克神经科学研究所疼痛与离子通道实验室研究员。2022年9月加入3044am永利集团网址。主要研究方向:慢性疼痛的离子通道调控机制与靶向药物研发。主要研究成果:1)发现了外周伤害性神经元新型后去极化电位和TTX不敏感型复活性钠电流,两大类伤害性神经元新型兴奋特性差异;2)化疗药物奥沙利铂致痛的及早作用机制及针对性防治策略,低腰痛的钠钾通道调控机制;3)运用电生理方法分离内源性Nav1.7电流,验证了天然化合物的镇痛效应和离子通道机制;4)酸敏感钠通道作为主动脉化学感受器的分子感应器及其在原发性高血压形成中的作用。相关研究成果发表于Journal of Neuroscience, Circulation Research, Pain, Molecular Pain, Journal of Clinical Investigation等专业学术刊物。研究项目:曾主持美国国防部,美国癌症协会,Showalter研究基金会项目,印第安纳州脊髓与脑损伤研究项目,印第安纳糖尿病和代谢疾病中心研究项目,参与主持美国国立健康研究所R01和Craig H. Neilsen研究项目,并作为主要研究人员参与美国礼来制药公司横向课题。



1. Cunningham GM, Shen F, Wu X, Cantor EL, Gardner L, Philips S, Jiang G, Bales CL, Tan Z, Liu Y, Wan J, Fehrenbacher JC, Schneider BP. The impact of SBF2 on taxane-induced peripheral neuropathy. PLoS Genet. 2022 Jan;18(1): e1009968.

2. Wu B, Su X, Zhang W, Zhang YH, Feng XH, Ji YH, Tan ZY. Oxaliplatin depolarizes the IB4- dorsal root ganglion neurons to drive the development of neuropathic pain through TRPM8 in mice. Front Mol Neurosci. 2021 Jun 4; 14:690858.

3. Su X, Wu B, Zhang W, Ji YH, Wang Q, Tan ZY. Inhibitory Effects of Columbianadin on Nociceptive Behaviors in a Neuropathic Pain Model, and on Voltage-Gated Calcium Currents in Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons in Mice. Front Pharmacol. 2020 Jan 9; 10:1522.

4. Guo J, Tan Z, Ji Y. Permeation Mechanism of Potassium Ions through the Large Conductance Ca2+-Activated Potassium Channel. ACS Chem Neurosci. 2019 Aug 21;10(8):3601-3610.

5. Zhou J, Feng D, Zhang X, Xia C, Zhang Z, Kang J, Tan Z, Wu B. Involvement of P2X7 receptors in satellite glial cells of dorsal root ganglia in the BmK I-induced pain model of rats. Gen Physiol Biophys. 2019 Sep; 38(5):407-416.

6. Zhou J, Zhang X, Zhou Y, Wu B, Tan ZY. Up-regulation of P2X7 Receptors Contributes to Spinal Microglial Activation and the Development of Pain Induced by BmK-I. Neurosci Bull. 2019 Aug;35(4):624-636.

7. Jiang H, Cui H, Wang T, Shimada SG, Sun R, Tan Z, Ma C, LaMotte RH. CCL2/CCR2 signaling elicits itchand pain-like behavior in a murine model of allergic contact dermatitis. Brain Behav Immun. 2019 Aug; 80:464-473.

8. Wu B, McDermott JS, Krajewski JL, Knopp KL, Nisenbaum ES, Cummins TR, Tan ZY. Extracellular signal-regulated kinases mediate the enhancing effects of inflammatory mediators on resurgent currents in dorsal root ganglion neurons. Mol Pain. 2019 Jan-Dec; 15:1744806919837104.

9. Zhou G, Jiao Y, Zhou Y, Qin S, Tao J, Jiang F, Tan ZY, Ji YH. Up-Regulation of Akt and Nav1.8 in BmK I-Induced Pain. Neurosci Bull. 2018 Jun;34(3):539-542.

10. Feng X, Zhao Z, Li Q, Tan Z. Lysosomal Potassium Channels: Potential Roles in Lysosomal Function and Neurodegenerative Diseases. CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets. 2018;17(4):261-266.
